Food Processing is a business poised for huge growth in the coming years thanks to favorable fiscal policies taken by the Indian government and the ever growing demand for food. The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is making all efforts to encourage investments across the value chain. Major sectors constituting the food processing industry in India are grains, sugar, edible oils, beverages, and dairy products.
To become successful and profitable in such a favorable business environment is easy only if you have the efficiency to beat your competitors in the production process.
To become a profitable food processing company, you need to have maximum control over the production process. This begins from sowing the right quality of seeds and ensuring good cultivation practices. This, in turn, ensures that the right amount and quality of crop reaches the factory for processing.
RAW MATERIAL OF THE RIGHT QUALITY AND QUANTITY. And let’s not forget the most important one, TRACEABILITY.
If an agribusiness gets these three things right, they are halfway down the path to profitability and growth.
QUANTITY ensures the continuity of the factory operations to produce the required amount of output. Timely availability of raw material is key in a highly competitive market like the food industry where a single lapse can set you back by miles in the race.
QUALITY is one of the biggest stakeholders in today’s agribusiness scenario. The product of a food processing company needs to adhere to set standards and quality tests to be eligible for sale and export. Right quality of raw materials ensures less rejections in quality checks. This also lowers the cost of production since there is lesser reworks.
TRACEABILITY is highly important for buyers today when consumers have become more conscious of the origin of the food on the plate and ethical standards of production.
Getting these three golden rules about raw materials can be made easier with one addition in your agribusiness-
A Farm Management Software!
A Farm Management Software is a tool that can be used by agribusinesses to monitor and control their activities from farm to fork. It can ensure Quality, Quantity and Traceability of Raw Material in the following ways:
A Farm Management Software can foretell the quantity that will be produced by farms through its Yield Forecasting technology. Therefore, agribusinesses can be ready with all that is required for food processing at the factory as soon as the raw material arrives. This also ensures a consistent flow of activities without delay.
Quality of produce is ensured at farm level with a Farm Management Software that unifies all farm activities at different farms. Every step of cultivation can be monitored and guided with a Farm Management Software for the required quality of produce.
Quality module helps to capture test results and to categorize a lot based on quality parameters. The raw material can be sorted based on quality at the factory with the help of a Farm Management Software. They can be arranged into lots to determine the right composition for a required output. This makes quality tests easier.
 A Farm Management Software can store all relevant data related to food processing using modern technology. It can help you tell the consumer the exact original farm the raw material was obtained from and what type of care was administered to the plant, down to the exact quantities. This helps the ethically conscious consumers to determine:
- Sustainability
- Ethical labor practices
- Usage of chemicals during farming
- Exploitation of resources
- Carbon footprint, etc.
Trace Agtech is an intuitive and feature rich farm management software that will integrate all of your contract farms and farmers on a single platform. It helps you in digitizing farm diaries, geo-fencing farms, pest/disease control, real-time support to farmers, expense tracking, yield forecasting, buying, quality control, farm audits, traceability, sustainability, training master trainers (TOT) & farmers, monitoring & managing field staff, etc.
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