Reach the Cloud Nine of your Agribusiness with Cloud Farming!

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Trace Team

Sep 4, 2021 - 3 min read

Reach the Cloud Nine of your Agribusiness with Cloud Farming!

Cloud Computing refers to providing access to computing services across the internet. These can be anything from applications, data processing, virtual servers etc. Google Drive is an example of a cloud computing service but there’s so much more to cloud computing than just storage of media. The potential of Cloud Computing in farming is endless and commonly referred to as Cloud Farming.

What is Cloud Farming?

Just as much as real clouds can change the face of farming activities, the virtual CLOUD is here to effect a massive transformation of your contract farm. It helps you to store, manage and access all data regarding your farm, its produce, quality, stock, etc, anytime and anywhere. All this data can be accessed by a Farm Management Software to optimize the functioning of your farm, saving unnecessary investment.

For example, a cloud farming service optimizes pesticide usage by adhering to the soil profile of your farm, which is obtained by soil mapping data saved in the cloud, while deciding the exact amounts to be administered to each crop in a specific area through geo mapping data of the entire farm. All these data are stored in the cloud and ensures transparency and reliability of your farming activity.

Who can use it?

Cloud farming is the best way to move forward in the 21st century farming scene and hence it can benefit the following categories of people:

What are the main Components?

    • MOBILE APPLICATION: Data collection from the farmers is primarily through Mobile Apps, with a simple user interface. The same app is also used for providing real time expert assistance to the farmers for troubleshooting unforeseen obstacles like disease and pests. They should work in an offline mode too.
    • CLOUD STORAGE: The data collected through the apps are synced to cloud servers and only a click away.
    • DATA MANAGEMENT: Software and applications are used to generate reports and analysis of farm data, to optimize operations.

Benefits Aplenty!


    • REAL TIME ACCESS: All the information stored on the cloud is accessible to you from anywhere and anytime along with an array of analysis and reports, backing you up for a potential client meeting or financial audit.
    • TRANSPARENCY: All the farm operations are captured in the cloud from sowing to supply enabling a complete track record from farm to fork.
    • SECURITY: All important data, from contract agreements to yield forecasting are backed up in the cloud which is secured with authentication and passwords.
    • FORECAST: Knowing in advance the crop performance, harvest date and quantity helps in preventing surprises and manage your resources such as funds, manpower, logistics and storage capacities.
    • EFFICIENCY: With high levels of documentation and analysis of farm data, operations are optimized and limitations reduced.
    • TRUST: The transparency and traceability you provide gains customers trust and puts you ahead of your competition.


Cloud Farming is a guaranteed way to increase efficiency of your agricultural activity through the ever evolving technology of Cloud Computing. Smart Cloud Farming is the cost effective way to manage farming data that can be used to coordinate and devise best ways to run your farm through smart technologies.

Trace AgTech is experienced in Cloud Farming and can help you take your farming to the clouds. They operate via an efficient and easy to use mobile application that syncs farm data to the cloud and provide excellent advice for quick decision making, based on the same. They also provide farm analytics services to provide insights into each farmer’s performance. Trace takes into consideration the regional climatic schedule, pesticide usage analysis and many other cloud data to devise a profitable cropping cycle. Trace AGtech can help you toss the umpteen number of spreadsheets away for a fully digitized farm management system. Cloud Farming, meaning Smart Farming, creates a solid foundation for your Farm Management Software and thus gets you to Farming Cloud Nine!

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